365 New Chances

New year resolutions might work for some. I’d rather look back and assess the prior year to make adjustments for the next. Humans have this weird attachment to endings and beginnings. In reality, life goes on from one day to the next. January 1st isn’t much different from December 31st, except for maybe the addition of a hangover from too much reveling.
2016 had many personal highlights including:

  • completion of a 365 photography project
  • making the cut in the NHGA stroke-play & mid-am championships
  • watching my kids experience the highs and lows of competing
  • met a real-life rodeo rider
  • re-discovered being inspired at work
  • celebrated 15 years of marriage
  • discovered the benefits of mindfulness
  • developed, launched, and subsequently closed Golf Tradr

I learned a lot of new skills in 2016. Unfortunately, the year was also spent searching for that one side-project/business idea to replace the void left with 3 Up Golf’s closure. Golf Tradr took quite a bit of creative resources only to result in failure (TLDR post-mortem: complex games have too small of a market).
Photography was super fun. I really enjoyed the creative outlet that it provides. Turns out, photography couples perfectly with social media. And golf photography? Consider me head-over-heels for it.
What’s on deck for 2017? Honestly, more of the same with some additional focus to certain areas:

  • Post more frequently to this site with more diverse content
  • Continue to stay hyper focused on projects going on at the 9-to-5
  • Dive deeper into mindfulness practices (will be writing about this more)

Three simple things. How hard could that be?

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