Thank You For Your Support

2018 was a rough year. Professionally it saw some big changes. Personally, it saw even bigger ones. In the end, it was this website and my social media presence that ended up on the cutting room floor of 2018. Never one to back down from a challenge, I’m forging on. Life doesn’t just throw obstacles […]

"Paywall" isn't a dirty word

Getting paid for your work isn’t a sin. As consumers of content on the Internet, we’ve been conditioned to expect most of our experiences to come at no financial cost. Last week I launched the new golf yardage book video tutorial series over on 3 Up Golf. A potential customer emailed me with a few […]

Get Inspired

As a small business owner, your attention is pulled in a multitude of directions. Finding material to market your latest product is a chore. Or is it? Simply looking for inspiration is all that is required. Keep your eyes open. Avoid burying your face in your phone. Smile. Ask a friend for help. The world is quite […]

Embrace Winter

Mother Nature is clearly off her meds. New Hampshire has experienced two significant snow storms in as many weeks with more scheduled in the forecast. Rather than sit around and mope, the opportunity was there to embrace the chill of winter and hike on a hibernating golf course. Golf course photography, in the summer months, […]

Website Hosting Architecture

Being an independent website hosting solution, it’s important not to cut corners for the sake of cost cutting or saving time. I learned an extremely important lesson during my time at a data storage startup company. Clients are really angry when data is lost. Nothing drives that point home clear quite like being on a conference call […]

Month One – In The Books

The first month of self-employment is in the books and thus far, the adventure has been a blast. My initial business plan was simple:  help New Hampshire small businesses with their online presence. In the announcement video I quipped: “Let’s build something amazing”. Over the last month, I’ve kept that in mind when meeting with […]

Learn To Learn

In Tribe of Mentors, Adam Fisher penned an amazing piece of advice: Just learn how to learn. Then you can always figure out the next thing you will need to know. There are two schools of thought here. You can either be the  jack of all trades / polymath type, or you can delegate. Delegation […]

Icing Without Cake

Last week Mother Nature decided to cover everything in a fine layer of ice. The day was overcast so lighting didn’t offer very good color. The contrast between the highlights in the ice and the darker areas of the subject, offered some great black & white picture opportunities.

Let's Build Something Amazing

  Every day is a big day but today is super sized. Today, I’m announcing that Zimventures is now my full-time job. My long time readers and followers will immediately be asking: “So, what are you doing?”.  Zimventures will be a full-service creative agency. The mission statement is simple:   Help local small businesses show what […]

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