Just A Sponge

bath sponge
helps create a rich lather

Pardon my language, but no shit. I already know what the product does. If you want to sell it, tell me how I’ll benefit from using your product instead of the next.
Loofahs aren’t exactly a revolutionary product. In fact, the cheap wads of spun plastic (or whatever they’re made of) are quite commoditized.
Let’s say I’m walking down the health and beauty isle of Target. I buy their ‘house brand’ loofah not because of it’s remarkable regenerative properties, but because it has the lowest price tag. There isn’t much you can tell me in a product tag that I didn’t know.
What if, instead of playing the role of Captain Obvious, Target took the time to make the consumer smile, laugh, or learn something new?

Only describe what your product does, on its packaging, if the consumer needs explaining to. Even then, consider highlighting the benefits, instead of the functionality.
Ever piece of product packaging is a chance to interact with your customer. Make the most of it.

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