Moms around the country joke that “Every day is Father’s Day”. While they are trying to jab at the notion that dads have it easy, there’s another take-away from the expression: you’re a father every day. There are no days off from the responsibility of being a great dad.
- Show up every day. 99% of fatherhood is just being there.
- Be a goofball once in a while.
- Watch your kids. Sometimes they don’t say what they need, they show it.
- Do what they want to do.
- Share (don’t force!) your passions in life with them.
- Hug
- Speak their language. You were there once too.
- Let them fail. Help them learn from the experience.
- Do something once a year that you both will always look forward to.
- Remind yourself that being a dad isn’t just a responsibility, it’s the the most important role you’ll have in your lifetime.