Day 183 – Flames In The Sky

Was out on the golf course and a brilliant feather of a cloud was lit on fire by the setting sun. Unfortunately, I only had the Galaxy S7 with me, which doesn’t quite do shot justice. I really should get a point-and-shoot that can capture RAW to keep in my golf bag. In other news: […]

Growing Golf Tradr

The majority of the functionality for Golf Tradr is now in place. A few odds & ends remain but the bulk of the game is there. The next step is to grow the player base. This week, 30 players are participating in the market – a far cry from where it will be in a […]

Day 176

This is a relatively close (2 feet) shot of a bench during a steady rainfall. The freshly mulched surface under the bench gave a great contrast. If you look closely, you can see lines from the house siding reflected in the water bubbles.

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