Create Habits – Not Resolutions

The Resolution. A noble notion that you’ll embark on some goal in the new year.
If that goal was so important – why didn’t you start it on December 1st, or November 15th, or ANY OTHER DAY OF 2017?
The reality is, resolutions are the end-goal:

  • Lose 10 pounds
  • Start my own business
  • Read more
  • Exercise more
  • Eat Healthier

Every one of those goals is attainable so long as you form the right habits. It’s the formation and following of habits which will lead you on the journey like a well defined blue line on Google Maps. Take your resolution and figure out what you can do, every single day, to help reach that goal. It doesn’t have to be big. In fact, the smaller the daily task is, the better.
If you want to read more – start with a page or two every morning*. Try to make no exceptions. Do it every…single…day. In the infancy of your new habit, missing just a single day is enough to bump yourself off the rails.
Personally, I’ve found the following resources to be invaluable with the formation of forming a daily routine and following habits:

  • Use Google Calendar – for everything. It shows where you’re spending your time.
  • Daily Meditation – Check out Headspace
  • Proper Exercise & Sleep – This will vary per individual: find your  happy place!

If you’re interested in learning more about habit forming, I highly suggest subscribing to ZenHabits. I’ve been a reader for years and Leo is a great source of inspiration as well as information. Don’t let your resolution fall into the wastebin of time – start your new habit today!
*For bonus points – get up earlier and read!

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