The 114th New Hampshire State Amateur Championship

Amateur Golf. There’s nothing amateur about it while competing for your state’s amateur title. To those who took vacation days, are working nights, or simply home on college break, it’s the highlight of the competitive golf season. This week, my son and I competed in the 114th New Hampshire Golf Association (NHGA) State Amateur Championship. The […]

2017 New Hampshire State-Am Qualifier

The demanding part of the competitive golf season has arrived with the playing of the state-am qualifiers. No longer is there time for swing tweaks, equipment changes, or self-doubt. It’s #gotime. This year I returned to the site of the 2015 New Hampshire State Amateur Championship to attempt to qualify for this year’s event. Having […]

Every Day is Father's Day

Moms around the country joke that “Every day is Father’s Day”. While they are trying to jab at the notion that dads have it easy, there’s another take-away from the expression: you’re a father every day. There are no days off from the responsibility of being a great dad. Show up every day. 99% of fatherhood is just being […]

Chambers Bay

It’s not often one gets to play the same golf course that a US Open is hosted at. The USGA has been adding more “public” courses to the rotation of venues to host the most difficult challenge in the sport of golf. I put the word public in quotation marks for a reason. Although the […]

Truly Awesome

Nearly a 15 years ago a moment of awe hit me. I’d just finished implementing an Octree for a 3D game engine and was testing it. Tens of thousands of polygons were being rendered 60 times a second. The power of what my computer (viva GPU!) was simply awe-inspiring. Fast forward 15 years and I […]


There are two flower pots beside the entrance to the office I work in. Someone takes the time to plant new flowers in them about every month. Appreciate that some things don’t just happen out of thin air. Sometimes beauty exists because of planning and hard work.

The Lilac Blossom

There’s an amazing restaurant in our town called the Lilac Blossom. It’s surprising how often we don’t associate product/brand names with what they actually are. While walking to the car this morning I noticed the fragrance of the blossoming lilac. The connection was made and I stopped to take this quick picture.


Perhaps I’ve just been in denial but after 39 years it was time to get some glasses. The world is back to being rendered in high-def instead of 800×600. Who knows, perhaps it’ll improve my golf game too…


This daffodil sprang to life as the snow melted and air warmed. In two weeks time, a barren patch of dirt has become home to a complex and beautiful flower. Take advantage of the warmth in your life. Bloom.

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