Oh. Hello, 2021. Let’s have some fun.

“Talent is a pursued interest. Anything that you’re willing to practice, you can do.”― Bob Ross It’s been a couple of years since the release of Dungeon Rustlers. That project was a bit of an experiment to get from code start to a shipped game as fast as possible. The game idea wasn’t ground-breaking, we purchased […]

The Game-Dev Rustlers

Twenty years ago (!) I was hanging out in the college computer lab, reading a book about which assembly registers to twiddle to put the graphics card into direct mode. Crap. Another Blue Screen. Enter one lab monitor, Derrick Schommer (@everydaydrinker), asking me what I was doing to continually keep crashing Windows. Upon learning that I […]

Think Different

Apple, Hello from Nashua, NH. I find myself writing to you on a Mid-2012 Macbook Pro. It’s a wonderful piece of machinery that you’ve created. It allows me to accomplish my goals using well-built software in an easy-to-use environment. In short: using this computer is a joy. I wasn’t always a Mac user. My first computer¹, a 386-DX from Gateway […]

Teamwork In Video Games

Counter-Strike last night was a great contrast between a team with no cohesion and one in which everyone performed flawlessly. Everyone has a role on a team. Perform your role, don’t step on the roles of your teammates, and bring lots of enthusiasm, encouragement, and faith in your teammates abilities. During one of the early rounds of the first […]

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