Thank You For Your Support

2018 was a rough year. Professionally it saw some big changes. Personally, it saw even bigger ones. In the end, it was this website and my social media presence that ended up on the cutting room floor of 2018. Never one to back down from a challenge, I’m forging on. Life doesn’t just throw obstacles […]

Get Inspired

As a small business owner, your attention is pulled in a multitude of directions. Finding material to market your latest product is a chore. Or is it? Simply looking for inspiration is all that is required. Keep your eyes open. Avoid burying your face in your phone. Smile. Ask a friend for help. The world is quite […]

Month One – In The Books

The first month of self-employment is in the books and thus far, the adventure has been a blast. My initial business plan was simple:  help New Hampshire small businesses with their online presence. In the announcement video I quipped: “Let’s build something amazing”. Over the last month, I’ve kept that in mind when meeting with […]

Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem! Seize the day! Preached by many, practiced by few. What is not often discussed is that “Carpe diem” was only the beginning of a longer passage in Horace’s most famous of odes. The latter part of the passage offers just as much to the reader: quam minimum credula postero Loosely translated: “putting as […]

Clean Your Windshield

It’s been cold in New England over the last week. The kind of cold that makes your face hurt. Driving is particularly challenging not due to the road conditions, but due to frozen windshield wiper fluid lines. Every evening, upon arriving at home, I’d use a couple hand fulls of snow to wash off the […]

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